"Our people desire to be helpful in every possible way. So, of course, we will respect the requests and suggestions of the health authorities. But while closing our public places is in vogue, surely we can have worship in our own homes."
-Word & Way, October 24, 1918 @WordandWay
"A Brotherly Suggestion

The Pastors' Conference most brotherly advises that every Baptist family hold family worship in the home next Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock, if closing the houses of worship is ordered by the health board."

-Word & Way, October 24, 1918 @WordandWay
"The churches of St. Joseph are still closed on account of influenza. We have had a number of deaths."
-Word & Way, October 24, 1918 @WordandWay
"A splendid start of two nights was had when they were forced to close because of influenza. The meeting was planned again to start December 1, but the 'flu' being worse than ever, it has again been postponed."
-Word & Way, December 26, 1918
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