A Thread:

Can I be body positive & criticize #AmberlynnReid? The answer is yes.

If Amberlynn were making a genuine effort to lose weight, of course I’d be glad. No one wants her to die. Many of the reaction channels started out as fans.
They stopped being fans because they realized she wasn’t taking her health seriously & still isn’t. She even recently admitted that she trolls & that she started out as a “weight loss channel.” That tells me that she never took this seriously.
There are reaction channels who have been in her shoes & have seen the dark side of obesity. They realized that they didn’t want to die & a drastic change began.

While I was once obese, I did have anorexia for 5 years as well.
You definitely can go from one extreme to the next. While I haven’t seen the dark side of obesity, I did see the dark side of anorexia. Similar to the others, I realized I didn’t want to die. I had to make a change as well.
We are mad that Amberlynn has all this money and resources available to her & she refuses to take advantage of them.

But it’s not just about weight.

False r*pe accusations about her ex, Casey, who she continues to misgender to this day.
She said that she had chosen a winner for a giveaway, told him that she mailed him the gift card, but never did. To this day she continues to say that he lied about it. Michaelbepetty & a few others raised money for him because they knew that he didn’t deserve that.
She abuses he pets & has so for years. I was furious not too long ago when she said that her dog, Twinkie, was shaking because she felt so bad. Yet Amberlynn decided to buy shitty candles at Walmart instead. You bet your ass I called animal control!
I’ve done that w/ other people & I’ll keep doing it as needed. Protect pets!

I hate how she continues to stigmatize the mental health community. I have bipolar, too. I haven’t had an episode since I was 22 because of consistent therapy & medication.
Amberlynn likes to use bipolar as an excuse. Nope! It doesn’t work that way! Plus, while she may have a mental illness, I find it to be highly questionable that she has bipolar.

Remember the GoFundMeScam & that she also broke TOS by telling everyone to watch the ads of her video
No explanation has ever been given about the scam & the explanation won’t ever come.

She has lied throughout the history of her Channel. Some people believe their own lies. Amberlynn is one of them.

She loves to blame her audience for her problems.
Her weight gain? The audience’s fault! Her depression? The audience. Her stress? Audience again!

I’ll never forget her “Leaving YouTube Video.” She cried throughout it. At one point made it very obvious that she was claiming that she was s*icidal.
Who did she blame for this? The audience. Who did she blame for all of the years of her feeling bad on YouTube? The audience. She ended the video abruptly with her crying. Absolutely low. However, she returned the next day.
I just scratched the surface as to why she’s disliked so much. But don’t tell me that I can’t be body positive & call out Amberlynn, saying I’m a “bully.”

Trust me, if there was someone promoting the pro-ana agenda on YouTube, you get your ass I’d call them out!
So, again, let me make this clear. I can be body positive & call out Amberlynn!
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