Nearly 2400 years ago, in ancient Greece, Plato discussed the importance of population control. Aristotle advocated the use of abortion and infanticide. In 1798 an essay on principle of population control was written by Thomas Malthus where he outlined the idea of positive checks
which are diseases, wars, disasters, famines and genocides. Malthus argued these mediums should be used to keep population growth under check (human misery was a necessity). In 1859 Charles Darwin published, "The Origin of Species", in that book he hinted on the implication of..
human population. However, his cousin Sir Francis Galton, became obsessed with that idea. In 1883 Galton published,"Inquires into Human Faculty and his Development" where he introduced the concept of EUGENICS (rooted in the Greek word of "NOBLE BIRTH").
As early as the late 1800s
EUGENICS (race superiority) became an academic discipline in many renowned Universities in the Western World. Researches/News Media were funded to demonstrate that certain races were superior to others. For example, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and the Cold Spring Harbor argued..
that ALL humans are not equal and that some need to be subjected to serve the other. Hence, some human races are master races and others are SLAVES.
Planned PARENTHOOD was pioneered by Margaret Sanger, a well-known racist. President of IBM, Thomas Watson, established a special...
subsidiary in Poland called the Watson Business Machines, to assist in the Nazi invasion of Poland. This continued throughout the war,of which IBM managed the entire operations overseeing the genocides in Europe.
During the Nuremberg trials the Nazis quoted the US supreme court
Oliver Wendell Holmes, in their own defence, claiming that their own EUGENICS program was being run by from the United States. The Nazi were admonished for war crimes but NOT Thomas Watson, who went on to create the IBM world corporation known as IBM World Trade Corporation which
he passed to his son Tom Watson Jr., His grand daughter (Jeanette Watson) ended up marrying Alexander Sanger (Margret Sanger's grand son). Bill Gates' father worked for the board of PLANNED PARENTHOOD. And his (Bill Gates) mother worked for the corporate board of the IBM...
Recall, that Bill Gates launched Microsoft via IBM. And ever since Bill Gates has invested billions in PLANNED PARENTHOOD AND VACCINES especially for African Countries. Bill Gates has been funding vaccines for Africa. And sponsoring arguments for population control. Coincidence?
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