Reasons why T*ddy should NOT be liked, romanticized and/or supported
A THREAD:đŸ‘‡đŸŒđŸ‘‡đŸŒđŸ‘‡đŸŒ

(And yes, Teddy has her role in these reasons as well, it’s not just T*m Jurassic Park AKA Satan of Seattle)

Okay read on...
Ahem, to begin with:

From day 1, Tom was sniffing around on Teddy in his oh so charming way (Mer be like “get your breath out of my ear”) to get into her pants casually without knowing her, cute😟

When Teddy is 16 weeks pregnant, Tom clearly knows she’s pregnant, vulnerable and
alone. He swoops in and takes this opportunity to woo her in this state. Who hits on a vulnerable, pregnant woman? Especially this guy...😒

As the relationship “progresses” he clearly takes his immature dislike for Owen (since before he even knew about him and Teddy) out on him
through snide remarks and rubbing his relationship with the woman expecting HIS child in his face...🙄

Now, Owen aside...all this time Tom has been attempting to “win” Teddy over with material things such as fancy dates, luxury vacations, baby supplies and drum roll please an
APARTMENT. Hello? You’ve known her for two months dude...

The disturbing part about all this was, it was clear Tom looked at Teddy like a prize. Ironic right? She doesn’t want to be anyone’s consolation prize.

Yes, Tom claims to love her but does he really? It seems that he
wanted a re-do of his formal life with his wife and child...taking Teddy on as an opportunity to fill this void. I’m addition to that, his arrogance and ego is so big, it’s turned into a gam for him. Being the winner and Owen, being the loser. Once again, Teddy, a PERSON...being
the prize.

Fast forward a week or two. Despite Tom’s disrespectful and condescending comments towards her unborn daughters father, Teddy can’t seem to pull away from him, even though all the signs show she’s just along for the “safe” ride...

She finally realizes this as her
baby girl decides it’s time to come into the world. She doesn’t want safe, she doesn’t want easy, she doesn’t want a passion-LESS relationship. She wants Owen, not Tom.

Fast forward, Teddy and Owen welcome their baby girl together and declare their love and need for a fresh
start. When Tom finds this out he IMMEDIATELY starts in with the sarcastic comments, condescending remarks and disrespect towards the woman he claims to “love” decisions about HER life...

All the while she JUST gave birth hours ago and is holding her newborn daughter in her arms
but yes, let’s brag about how great your making out skills are and how much money you have...charming.

Now this is where things get really fucked up...because he is now everyone’s BOSS.

Tom takes every opportunity as usual to talk down to and/or disrespect Owen JUST because
His bestfriend, mother of HIS child, and the love of his life decided she wanted to be with him.

Funny how Tom is only angry with Owen and not Teddy, who made this decision HERSELF.

Anyway, despite Teddy knowing how Tom is treating Owen...she does nothing to stop it, why?
Because she’s afraid of the confrontation and because she feels GUILTY for “hurting” him...hello? He is her BOSS and she’s making her feel afraid and guilty in the work place over personal decisions?!?!?

Like Helm said...”lawsuits!” Hell yeah Helm. Anyway.

Tom continues to
disrespect Owen in front of Teddy, and not to mention continue to pursue Teddy while she’s in a relationship. Guilt tripping, manipulation, negative talk about her future...isn’t becoming.

Now, as the season progressed we saw that Teddy was becoming increasingly anxious and
paranoid regarding her new life and relationship with Owen...

She said it herself, she suffers from PTSD and describes herself currently as “broken...”

She shares this with Tom...who SEEMS to reassure her of Owens love for her...and we all give him some points back as he seems
to be moving on. SIKE.

The devastated, “broken,” VULNERABLE, woman shows up to his hotel room and what does HE do? He allows her, in this CLEARLY destructive state to kiss and have sex with him.

After this night, he proceeds to pursue her once AGAIN.

Fast forward...
She comes to his office that day to APOLOGIZE for using him...*cough* USING him...which was wrong on her part of course...

This petty, bitter man then moves in on her, disagrees with her that he’s a “good man” and forces her into a kiss (and probably sex) that she initially
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