What is epistemically *interesting* is that they are suggesting that we restrict the lives of, & place the burden of containment, on “the few” ie those members of at risk communities, because imposing that same burden on us all, collectively, is too high. https://twitter.com/siouxsiew/status/1249779550583533569
It is also *interesting* the highly individualised & invisibly gendered & raced subjectivity that several of these experts present in their research, particularly as it pertains to health.
I don’t think (or can only hope) that they have not critically thought through the impacts on their assumptions of their own subjectivities. Because otherwise, nice men* are calling for us to accept the isolation of & increased infection burden for high risk communities
So that their kids can go back to school & “the economy” something something.

*I know one of the experts. He is, AFAIK, genuinely a nice man.
Darn it, double negative, should have finished my coffee. I don’t think they have thought through... you get the general gist.
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