Everyone interested in China should read the CCP's theoretical journal, many articles of which are translated to English at http://english.qstheory.cn .

It is filled with excellent and advanced Marxist analysis, and provides a valuable window into ideas and debates of the party. https://twitter.com/SeraJadeAtSFDK/status/1249439951554560001
read about the importance of the "Chinese path" for developing nations: http://english.qstheory.cn/2014-08/14/c_1111963549.htm

the historical development and role of democracy: http://english.qstheory.cn/magazine/201401_10013/201405/t20140509_347709.htm

the "socialist market economy": http://english.qstheory.cn/magazine/201203/201210/t20121008_185077.htm

and many more.
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