having a very basic understanding of elder furthark both enhances and ruins some portions of midsommar for me
big table outside in the shape of the othala rune, usually symbolizes heritage (hence why neo nazis love it)

72-year-old lady comes out with reversed algiz rune on her frock, symbolizing death
the lady about to die: [to the tune of jenna marbles] i'm just a 72-year-old ladyyyyyyy (falls to her death)
i think the dude on the left has an ogham character for death on his frock, but it's upside down.

ogham is irish

what the fuck is it doing in a swedish cult??? IMMERSION RUINED
paging @iodhadh to help me with this because it's making me mald
nvm jared is speedy and now i can continue watching the swedish hannibal fantasy murder in peace
love this kid looking directly at the audience like he's apologizing to us for the tone shift the entire movie is gonna take after this scene
ride ride sacrifice
pear tree
ari aster: no one is going to notice these foreshadowing runes--

me: why the fuck would you use the rune that means "SACRIFICE" on top of your pushing-elders-to-their-death hill and think that's subtext
nobody from outside the commune on the ground worrying she'll fall beforehand is not realistic. i get worried seeing someone two feet off the ground on a precarious stool i'd be shaking someone going HEY SHE'S NOT GONNA JUMP RIGHT??? RIGHT???
when my manager is handling two upset customers and i look at my colleague in exasperation
in all honesty though, this bit is a good example of the west's intolerance and lack of understand of death practices from other cultures in general. go read "from here to eternity" by caitlin doughty to find out more.
when the elder explains why they choose to die at 72 by their own means before age cripples them i'm like u right i respect that but then i know what's going to happen later and u not so right
josh trying to get that clout by telling the death community on tumblr what he just saw
in order to be cremated properly, bodies need to be cremated at 1800 C, and with this set-up they'll never reach that temperature smh
they need an open-air funeral pyre like the one in crestone, colorado where they pile the wood +juniper boughs (to help mask the smell) overtop the body to ensure a proper cremation happens.
fuck christian

all my homies hate christian
florence pugh wearing a dress with "day" and "journey/ride" rune on her dress for the maypole dancing competition

"I think I ate one of her pubic hairs."

"Sounds probably right."
oh my god when christian is like "what's going on" and the old guy claps in his ear and christian goes
great now christian's got a robe on that says "death" and "sacrifice" and he's just been given steam viagra, wonder how this will go
just having a normal one with the lasses
which one is legs and which one is two hot dogs
OwO?????????????? OwO?????????????
nobody told him the girl he'd fuck would reach out for another girl mid-sex to sing sweetly to her
swedish viagra must hit different cause no matter the dick if someone started singing like that at me i'd not only go flaccid it would invert and get sucked back inside me
we've all been there, buddy
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