Okay does anyone follow me who hasn’t seen RONIN? Serious question. https://twitter.com/SchusterFilms/status/1249718403486470146
I've seen Ronin a ton of times, starting with it in the theater in 1998. But almost without fail I exclaim "OH YEAH Katarina Witt is in this movie" in the last act.
They definitely have seen RONIN https://twitter.com/shootfilmride/status/1249801479126274050
Key point about why Ronin as an entire film is worth your time, not just watching the car chases on YouTube: https://twitter.com/3daydog/status/1249806630595641345
Get it https://twitter.com/metaly/status/1249808263383638021
Folks, RONIN is on Tubi TV and Pluto TV, both services are free (or at least I clicked Play on my iPhone and it played, YMMV). That beats out the YouTube copy (it's also on Youtube for free with ads) because the film hasn't been edited... https://twitter.com/supcat/status/1249811029858512896
Watch Ronin
I asked several questions about it and my concerns were not addressed https://twitter.com/supcat/status/1249811679476510721?s=21 https://twitter.com/supcat/status/1249811679476510721
The way Ronin is shot, there is stuff like this going on in the background of like every scene! https://twitter.com/supcat/status/1249824192326823936
You might think Ronin is about Robert Deniro’s character, Sam, but the Apple TV app has news for you
Ever tell your wife you're reading the guidebook but you're actually just sneaking a peek at a Citroen XM?
I don't know why I didn't put this in the thread https://twitter.com/supcat/status/1249849654218346496
tfw there's an S13 in Ronin
*starts thread with reasons to convince people to watch Ronin that DON'T involve the car chases*
*ends the thread with "there's an S13 in Ronin"
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