Thread: Following up on my previous threads about the true nature of SARS-CoV2 as a virus that attacks the blood not the respiratory system, I stumbled across a couple of things that seem to confirm the theory even further.
As I mentioned in my earlier thread, this paper is generating a lot of buzz in the scientific community, although I can’t find any evidence that the theories are being lab-tested, which is the next logical step.
Then, I was roaming through Youtube looking for info when I came across this video.
I almost fell out of my chair when a commenter mentioned that the loss of smell and taste is a symptom of zinc deficiency. (It’s also a symptom of the flu, colds and other infections, so it’s not surprising that diagnosticians would miss that sign.)
As my followers know, I’ve been harping on the use of HCQ and zinc to defeat this virus for more than a week now. As the evidence continues to pile up that the virus is attacking the blood, not the respiratory system, I believe the medical profession will soon adopt this “cure”.
After all, why develop an expensive vaccine when a simple, cheap cure already exists? If HCQ and zinc is administered at the onset of the disease, several massive problems are solved. The hospitals are no longer stressed, PPE is no longer in high demand, and the economy is back.
Then, this morning, (or afternoon I should say - I was up until 3:30 AM this morning researching, so I didn’t even get up until after noon - I found this article: Leukoerythroblastic reaction in a patient with COVID-19 
It’s a highly technical article. I had to look up a number of words I’d never seen before. The bottom line? Hematologists who examined a patient found very strange results in the patient’s blood that are normally found in bone marrow diseases.
And what does bone marrow disease cause? Anemia, loss of red blood cells, fevers, aches, respiratory problems - all the same symptoms that doctors are seeing with COVID-19. So, as I say, the evidence is piling up.
Once HCQ and zinc is adopted as the proper course of treatment we’ll all be able to get back to work, and only the most feeble among us will be threatened by the virus. I wouldn’t be surprised to see . @realDonaldTrump announce this at one of his press briefings.
He just has to wait for the medical establishment to catch up. So, be happy my friends. You know what to do if you get sick, and the entire world will know soon enough.
As I continue my research, I keep finding more and more evidence that the virus attacks the blood, not the respiratory system. This Chinese research article contains interesting information about blood.
Clearly, the blood in infected patients is different than the blood in uninfected patients. The obvious question is why.
One thing I’m noticing that seems consistent through all the reports is low lymphocyte counts, called lymphocytopenia. Among other things, lymphocytopenia appears in autoimmune diseases and aplastic anemia. Both can be treated with HCQ.
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