you might think it’s cool that we raise of kids to love Dorothy Day and her dedication to personal responsibility and allowing her faith to inspire direct action

but our seven year old just handed my wife a note saying the kids are going on strike until they get a dog

management is currently attempting to break the strike by putting out an all-candy lunch

will report back on labor’s next move

we’re guessing the baby will most likely cross picket lines to nurse...
the children have pointed out that the dog would great at helping watch the baby when they finally get to go back to school and mom and dad have "computer stuff to do"

management is responding by pointing out the kids get free healthcare, food, snuggles, and transportation ...
UPDATE - the strikers are now praying a rosary, asking the Blessed Virgin to intercede with Our Lord to try and get their demands met

management is concerned with this latest turn of events

Our Lord seems to always come through when Our Lady asks something of him...
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