To students: I've critiqued what some profs are doing since the sudden move to online (hard deadlines, unrevised course load). Some are making *bad* choices. But please be compassionate with your professors, too:
As @Literature_Lady pointed out, some profs are being directed by administrators to follow strict rules. Contingent and untenured faculty may especially feel the need to toe that line. Also....
While you may not dig their Zoom classes, some have little or no experience or training in making asynchronous content. These classes might be their attempt at doing the best they can with what they know, with little time to prepare. And...
Many profs are struggling as students are, with emotional & mental well-being, with ill relatives, with home schooling kids while trying to work. I keep telling my students: none of us, including me, are doing our best work right now. We're just doing the best we can.
None of us feel normal or comfortable right now. I hope we can all be really compassionate and patient with each other.
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