The UK has now surpassed 10,000 #Covid19 deaths in total. Some say that we’re going to be the worst hit country in Europe. This may be premature. I advise waiting till the end of the outbreak before pronouncing such things.

Here’s why:
4) Death tolls: are we counting dying ‘with’ and dying ‘of’ #Covid19 as the same thing? There’s an argument for it, but are others following us? Does every country count those who died outside hospital in care homes? Are country methods the same?
6) Sweden still has no lockdown. Their chief medical officer Anders Tegnell (an epidemiologist) sets their strategy, and Swedish law prohibits public opinion driven political interference with it. And they’re not doing too badly. See this by @freddiesayers
7) summary: let’s all pause before making over zealous country-by-country comparisons without factoring in all the variables. This sort of approach may cause more long term harm than good. No democratically elected European leader is deliberately trying to kill their own citizens
This helps to explain what the UK was trying to do, before our modelling (understandably) had to pivot in order to factor in human behaviour (and not just the potential for the virus spreading)
This comment in the FT is worth a read too, sent via @15rr (thanks)
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