do this i have a lot
1. lets get the most obvious one out of the way
- racist mf
- "i've had like 30 failed relationships, do you want advice?"
- lets learn to mind our BUSINESS david rossi
6. michael myers
- one of my favorite slashers yes but also the one with some of the most flawed logic???
- why do u do the things u do michael 😐
- mad abt the time he hurt animals that was very upsetting
2. amanda rollins
- a lot of this thread will probably be svu characters, majority of them fucking suck
- never gonna forget the time she threw money in a victims face bc she was a sex worker
- internally mysogynistic bc she wants male attention
3. elliot stabler
- walking cop propoganda
- if i had a dollar for everytime he said something transphobic or homophobic id have enough money to pay for top surgery
- he had a Few good moments
- a shitty person boiled down to someone with daddy issues
4. nick amaro
- walking cop propoganda 2.0
- two words: "amaro's 180"
- literally pulled an entire stabler shooting an unarmed black kid and somehow still got his badge
- hothead
- would probably arrest me for saying acab
5. break from svu characters: mayor jones
- THIS mf...
- fred jones i am so sorry
- literally fuck every adult from crystal cove but fuck him ESPECIALLY
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