
I have some controversial/outlier views, opinions, and thoughts about autism and disability related stuff.

I am open to a lot of theoretical discussions, thought experiments, etc.

There are still lines I would NEVER cross.
Lines NOBODY should ever cross.

Like eugenics.
It‘s one thing to discuss YOUR OWN negative experiences, views, and opinions regarding YOURSELF...or discussing the same regarding OTHER PEOPLE.

We need to make space for people to discuss THEIR OWN negatives.

We DON‘T need to make space to discuss OTHER PEOPLE the same way.
If an autistic person (for example) wishes they weren‘t autistic and wants to talk about that...

...as long as they only talk about themselves, our community should support them (though being subjeced to such content isn‘t doable for everyone and that‘s okay too!)
If an autistic person wants to talk about how autism is horrible for everyone, and all autistics should be „cured“, or not born, etc...

...that person must be challenged, and such views must NOT be supported.

It‘s sad that this must be said but here we are.
Certain things just shouldn‘t be platformed, period.

Because just platforming them...

...harms autistics subjected to it
...provides space for people to spread harmful views
...legitimizes such views by saying „This is up for debate.“
...keeps such views alive in our society
And just so this is clear:

This applies to non-autistics and autistics alike.
You can follow @autistictic.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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