I might have to start blocking people I really like. People I thought had the same goal, to remove Trump. I’m saddened to see so many people’s target is now Biden instead of Trump! Biden was not my first choice. I like Bernie’s ideas. But, he’s not going to be the candidate
and no matter how much we/they want, we will not have a “Green” candidate to go against Trump. Not voting, or voting Green, is a vote for Trump. I’m not being rude, it’s a simple FACT. So, realizing people would rather have 4 more yrs of hate, division, insanity, lies, narcissism
racism, and yes a 25 times accused sexual assaulter and rapist of a 13 yr old little girl, scares me more than Biden. I don’t know if the accusations are true about Biden/Tara. I DO know, Trump is a self proclaimed sexual assaulter, and he has divided our Country/Families more
than any other President.When we remove Trump, we remove all his grifter children,friends, family, and all of the corrupt people he has “appointed” to positions. My logic & reality allows me to think clearly and vote for what I KNOW I do NOT want 4 MORE YRS OF! #CountryOverParty
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