Thread (1/5)

There are millions of likely Trump voters who think he's a phony, a mediocre leader, and disagree with him on countless issues, but will vote for him for the exact same rationale Dems use to try to shame us into voting for Biden: They think the other guy is worse.
Thread (2/5)

We've been forced to choose between two shitty parties for so long, that millions on BOTH sides have given up on their actual interests being represented and just settle for the shitty candidate who at least agrees w/ them more on abortion, guns, cancel culture, etc
Thread (3/5)

Voting for Joe Biden isn't going to help this, but neither is just accepting Trump's re-election

If we're serious about breaking the duopoly's stranglehold, we must also reach across the aisle and convince likely Trump voters we know to vote third-party with us.
Thread (4/5)

We recognize how always voting for the lesser of two evils ultimately empowers and validates evil, but we can't use our deep understanding of this to merely argue with Biden supporters, we must take it to Trump voters as well.

Half of them can be swayed.
Thread (5/5)

If we commit to doing all we can to get soft Trump voters to join us in rejection of Trump and Biden, it will:
- be far more impactful than just us rejecting Biden
- neutralize the "you're only helping Trump" vote-shaming tactic Dems use to demand we fall in line
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