going to try to put a little structure behind something i've been doing a lot of on an ad hoc basis! if you're someone that works in enterprise/infrastructure software and are considering joining an early stage co, switching jobs, etc, I am creating a talent database of sorts 1/5
to help with matching people to roles. i get vc/founder friends fairly often asking for Ideas on things like "someone that would be a good 1st pm hire for a k8s company" and other nebulous job recs. recruiting firms help with more structured searches, but less of this IMO. 2/5
so, I want to expand the aperture of this a bit. sort of like how VCs recruit for their companies, but I have no VC affiliation! I just like doing this and do it already anyways. so, if you're interested, there will be a short form at the end of this thread. 3/5
I can't promise anything, but tend to be made aware of a lot of these informal searches and enjoy helping both sides of the talent equation on this sort of thing. always happy to have conversations around these decisions, too. 4/5 https://enterprisetalentdb.typeform.com/to/vTm9WY 
lastly, having spend a good amount of time on multiple of sides of this equation, I may have some perspective on things that others might not... and I find that most VCs spend time with more senior folks rather than mid level. so, I can plug some of that gap. 5/fin
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