If you see a tweet like this, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK!!! This website, and those similar, will steal your password and continue to post things like this on your timeline as well as hack other accounts! If you notice this being posted for you, CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD IMMEDIATELY! (1/?)
This is ESPECIALLY important if you use the same username or password for multiple platforms. I had a friend who accidentally clicked his link and his hacker had unknowingly hacked his email so the hacker continued to infiltrate his account. (2/?)
I had an issue recently where a hacker kept messing with my origin account. After changing my password three different times, I realized my issue wasn’t just origin, but my other accounts. I use a similar username and password for multiple accounts and keep my passwords in (3/?)
...what I THOUGHT was a secure note on my phone. What I didn’t realize was that my hacker had infiltrated my iCloud account and was reading my notes with my passwords. I luckily was able to fix this, but I had to change my password on six different platforms in order to... (4/?)
...make sure I was safe. Especially during the quarantine, people are bored! Hackers are looking for something to do. Protect your accounts and passwords while you can, and pay attention to which accounts are linked simply by sharing the same username or password... (5/6)
...If a hacker knows one password, make sure they don’t know them all. Stay safe in quarantine, and stay safe online too!!! Love you all, and if you have any questions about this feel free to DM. Everyone deserves safety and privacy online! (6/6)
One last thing, please don’t think this is just a warning against followers! This is a warning to monitor ALL online accounts and make sure your passwords are safe and secure everywhere, no matter what.
I want to emphasize the fact that I HAVE NEVER CLICKED THIS LINK and yet STILL had all these issues from other hackers and malicious platforms online. This thread isn’t just about the followers bot, this is general online safety during a time when people are more active than ever
You can follow @AwesomegirlsCPR.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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