Kurds don't exist, a Thread:

Kurds actually don't exist. They were invented somewhere around 1920 by the British to fuel rebellion. Kurds claim to have 5000 years of history while not having a single archaeological discovery based on their culture.
"Kurds" didn't see themselves primarily as Kurds until somewhere around 1920. Very convenient, as everyone was carving out pieces from The Ottoman Empire back then and nationalism had replaced religion as the main principles on how to make national decisions
And the most interesting fact about their so-called unity is that the Kurds hasn't gotten their heads out their asses long enough to make the decision about a common written language,
"Kurdish" groups have so many different cultures and languages and dialects and even multiple ways of writing Kurdish (Arabic, Cyrillic, Latin and in the past Armenian alphabets) that it is impossible for them to unite in the sense of a nation-state.
Being in the position they are, with no written language, no "kurdish" culture, and no historical basis for a nation, the only flag they can rally behind is a political ideological one, hence why every time they attempt to create a state, they fall behind extremist ideologies.
The most recent one being "Anarcho-communism" with Rojava. This is why it isn't racist, or a bad thing to deny the existance of "kurdistan" or "Kurds". It is simply rational and historically accurate.

End of thread.
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