CW: sexual assault allegations, Tara Reade
Wow Kassandra Seven outright calling a woman's rape allegations a lie is not something I expected to see. What happened to believing women?
Also going to add a CW for ableism, misogyny

Not only is Kassandra calling Reade a liar, she's calling her a compulsive liar and agreeing with another person that she may be "unwell"
Kassandra even implies that alleged name changes Tara Reade may or may not have had in the past is indicative of a personality disorder, which somehow means that she must be lying about everything.
This is basically ableism 101. Kassandra is implying that it's impossible that Reade is being truthful because of a potential disability.

Reality? Disabled people get sexually assaulted too, and tend to not be believed because people say things like this 👆👆👆
Sexual assaults against disabled people, including neurodiverse individuals, is *incredibly* under reported because of stigmas attached to disabilities. @KassandraSeven is propagating those stigmas.
And so what if Reade does have a disability? That doesn't mean she can't be assaulted. Insinuating otherwise is just despicable.
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