<Translation into English: just for help>

Two problems with T1 member Ellim and Canna appeared today. The first one is about Ellim. He watched the porn video called 'Secret part time jobs with college girls'. Actually this is problematic in several reasons: the porn is illegal https://twitter.com/lol_bocco/status/1249692851195088896
and the porn was watched by the streaming computer(and that means he watched the porn during his work). Both illegal and unprofessional. People criticized, but what T1 did was just blurring the recorded search result. The second problem was with Canna, which happened on his first
streaming. The screen showed what he searched in the past, and there was the word 'ahegao' that he searchd the past days, and the word implies some bad and adult meanings. So what I quoted tagged T1 so that they can see what's the problem and answer about those problems.
I'm not fluent on English, so plz tell me if sth is wrong. Thx for reading.
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