So if y’all haven’t figured out, I‘m VERY passionate about this whole post office thing and sending snail mail and etc..
If you want to help me save it if you text USPS to 50409 it gives you a petition you can sign that will go to your senators to urge them to help save the postal service!!
Also I know this goes without saying, but if you’ve been thinking about sending your family members or friends a handwritten note, nows the time!!
The postal service is CRUCIAL especially now during COVID-19: it helps us stay in touch, is THE means of getting information like bills, checks, paperwork etc for people who don’t have access to computers (there are still some out there) and
Could be VERY important come November. Americans should not have to choose between their health & safety and voting in the election if the virus is still going on. Voting by mail is a safe option for Americans. We desperately need the postal service for many reasons.
Even if you don’t care about sending snail mail like I do, this is still going to affect you.
You can follow @MeredithTinkle.
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