This speech below is one of the most omniscient and poignant things said about the coming future and will be remembered as an important forewarning.
Not endorsing it, or the ideas he is presenting. However, he is right that the power bloc of the future is beyond that exists currently. Unipolarity is ending.
In the modern world, COVID-19 has accelerated, if anything, the end of the unipolar world. It will be the event that defines international relations for the world after it, much like the fall of the USSR in the 1990s, and the 9/11 attacks for the 2000s.
It is this event that will be the point of focus for what comes after it.
I think there is clear evidence that, in the eyes of so many across the world, China and Russia's far better response to the ongoing crisis has legitimised their systems and ideas as legitimate alternatives
The United States' impotence, but also, its inability to take any criticism of its system without reaction is one of its greatest weaknesses. The European Union, as a power bloc, will, because of this, begin to separate its policies from that of Washington.
We saw this over Yugoslavia. The divide intensified over Iraq in 2003. It reached near breaking point over Iran, and I think, it today, is over. Europe is far more independent going into the future than it was going into this crisis. They have learned, through this crisis
That NATO is not worth the paper it is written upon, and that it does not meet modern crisises at all.

So what does this mean? What will Europe do? Brexit ensures that the Verhofstadt Empire will not include the UK, so they drift towards the Anglosphere bloc of Washington.
Europe will continue to assert its own sphere of influence over its region via Franco-German power, soft and hard. We will how the relationships of the future change, and while this may seem like a lot, I, to you, say this.
You and I today live in a situation unfathomable two months ago. We live in, already, a fundamentally different world. We may not feel it, or see it yet, but the era of multipolarity is in its infancy, and what we are living in right now is that turning point. Fukuyama was wrong.
Change, fundamental and massive, is coming to the world. This event we are living through right will be an historic turning point that brought upon much faster the end of the unipolar world system.
I know not in which direction it will go. That is up to so many factors it is impossible to predict, however, something else, a different world structure, I think is inevitable.
I really think the United States, internally, is going to have to answer some difficult questions.
What is America if not the guardian of liberal democracy? It is a state without identity, simply ideology: Liberalism. When the world begins to turn against it, how will they react as their precious ideology is attacked from the right and left (meaningless terms today anyway)
I firmly believe the US will either, sink into its own incompetence, or begin to answer those difficult questions. That's up to its leadership and people.
But remember, what seems impossible today, could be the reality of tomorrow.
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