tw // mention of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, abuse.
please do not read this thread if it is at all triggering to you.

quarantine has given me a lot of time to think about my past and the things i’ve done. +
about how i use to self-harm because i thought it was the only way i could project the amount of self-hatred i had, or about the years of mental and sometimes physical abuse i went through, even looking back at old journal entries where i wrote i talked about runaway plans +
or ways i could just end everything. though i think its good for me to look back at how i’ve grown and changed, its also hard to think that all those thoughts use to run through my head for years and how much damage they did and continue to do to me. +
through counseling and therapy, i now have a much more positive self-image and i know how to handle my emotions without putting myself at harm. I’ve been clean for over 2 years and got the help i needed to change things. +
i know how hard it is to ask for help and how hard it is to look at the future positively when so much shit is happening. i wanted to make this thread, not only to show my personal development but to hopefully show anyone who is struggling, that it will get better. +
please never hesitate to dm me with anything and i will try to help as much as i possibly can. please reach out if you’re in need of a friend or are having any bad thoughts. please remember that i and many others love you and want you to be okay. thank you for reading
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