There’s literally no possibility of an effective federal response to the pandemic. This federal government doesn’t believe in a responsibility to help anyone or serve anyone.

To Trump and his conspirators the federal government is merely an impediment that must be removed.
Our conception of a president is a politician tasked with running the country while attempting to protect us and make our lives better.

Trump isn’t a president. He’s a criminal using the presidency as cover to destroy government as we know it. Helping us isn’t a priority.
You cannot expect Trump to actually protect us. By asking “why doesn’t he do anything?” you’re missing the fact that he is doing something: he’s profiting off the pandemic, consolidating power, and undermining public faith and morale.

This is what an authoritarian does.
Authoritarians hide behind the illusion of politics as usual, of government in good faith, while destroying politics and governance. With that dismantling, they collapse public faith in politics, governance, and objective, actionable reality.

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