just remembered that in middle school i had solid portrait skills and classmates would pay me to draw portraits of their families. when my biggest crush commissioned me to draw him a picture, I was pumped. except he wanted me to draw him a picture of hillary duff bc "she was hot"
yes i did it. and it's probably why i have this strange resentment anytime I see anything about hillary duff. but mostly, WHY DID HE WANT A DRAWING OF HER? AND WHAT DID HE DO WITH IT?
he was like a hot middle school jock way out of my league (at that time). and i have no idea what a drawing of her would do that a DVD box picture couldn't do for him. maybe there were no posters of hillary duff available??
it was literally the picture on the cover of the lizzie mcguire movie that he asked me to draw and he gave me his DVD case so i could take it with me for reference.
most importantly, what does she have that i don't have?! pictures of middle school me for reference
this thread brought to you by me seeing a picture of hillary duff on Instagram and wondering why i simultaneously resented her and wanted to be her growing up. #answers
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