Everything — whether it’s a work project, checking my emails, some huge societal change — *everything* takes longer in reality than I think it will in my head. I’m always thinking ahead to when it will be done & undervalue all the essential work that has to be done to get there.
It’s normal to get frustrated by inefficiency in ourselves, others, or in a system, but it’s important to ask when we feel that way if we’ve truly considered all the work that’s required? Plus the fact that sometimes people need to chill—just need mental breaks. We’re not robots.
This is where we can practice patience for ourselves and everyone else. Don’t assume everyone is failing or slacking because in your head, you’d run the race faster. In reality, you’d come across obstacles too. & don’t beat yourself up if you struggle to meet every deadline.
I don’t believe in 80 hour work weeks or busting your ass for an arbitrary deadline. I have to manage my time and energy effectively for the best outcome in everything I do. I have to set boundaries and prioritize my time, often again and again because I fail at it a lot.
Mostly, I have to have patience for myself when I can’t check every single thing off my to-do list and I have to try to not feel guilty when I tell someone I need more time on something. This is hard to do! But I’ve learned most ppl are understanding — we’re all on the same boat.
In short, most of us (all?) aren’t perfect at managing time, and we often overvalue an ideal and undervalue the hard work required to reach that ideal. Have patience for yourself and for others. The best things take time. 💜
You can follow @meganmmalone.
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