I'd like to share a little bit of my perspective on this tweet that I hope is helpful food for thought for a good discourse. I'm always open to being challenged/thinking differently so please feel free to disagree/engage with me on this. https://twitter.com/DemSocialists/status/1249351571831435269
Let me begin by saying I will be voting for Biden and I'll do what I can to canvas, raise voter turn out, and make sure he gets elected.
A few points addressing the @DemSocialists position of not endorsing Biden: 1 - Morally
1. Endorsing someone is different than voting for someone. I also do not endorse Biden. I do not condone Biden. Endorsing him asks me to compromise on my morals
1b. The place where I see this most emphatically is in the countless tweets I've seen from women who are survivors of sexual assault who are now being asked to support Biden.
1c. By coming out with an endorsement of Biden will sound to many of those victims like an endorsement of who he is and what he has done.

I 100% believe it is okay to not endorse Biden morally.
2. Pragmatically
Often @DemSocialists are accused of being reckless idealists who are so blinded by their idealism/steeped in their privilege that their non-endorsement is viewed as "voting for trump" or "a position afforded by privilege"
2b. To reiterate, endorsements are not votes. By not endorsing Biden immediately (and let's be honest, they will never endorse him) they are forcing Biden to court their vote & adapt his policies to get closer their positions
2c. This is not reckless idealism, it is intelligent progressive movement pushing. Progressive moments have never been in power economically or politically. They use collective power like people power to move/shift those who are in control politically and economically.
2d. If @DemSocialists were to endorse Biden, it let's him off the hook and free to continue on his centrist political agenda. Which not only is a bad agenda, but it also leaves behind the leftist voters who are not going to get behind a centrist platform.
In summary
1. It is good to not endorse Biden morally.
2. It is good to not endorse Biden pragmatically
3. Endorsements are different than votes
4. This is a tricky election with nuance and subtleties regarding voting for a deeply problematic person in order to oust an obviously horrendous person. How we talk about Biden needs to respect victims of sexual abuse, victims of his crime bill, victims of his immigration policy
4cont'd. Vote Biden. It is better than Trump. But don't blindly vote Biden or condone him politically solely because the alternative is so bad. Be careful with your rhetoric this election.

Also obviously when I end on "4 cont'd" I do not know how to thread tweets. Apologies.
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