I supported Warren and Bernie in that order. I was never, never ever, "never bernie." The difference is that I saw the writing on the wall and my priority is first and foremost getting the cheeto out of the white house. https://twitter.com/StillYourGhost/status/1247932675966382080
it's absurdly disingenuous to assume that because I'm trying to think tactically about how to actually get Trump out of office that I'm "fuck you I got mine". I'm focused on November. I don't like Biden one fucking bit but we can CERTAINLY work with him more than with Trump.
Elections have outcomes. I'm trying to make sure that we get the best outcome of the options we actually have.
It was crushing to watch Warren and Bernie fall short. I thought Biden had no place in this race, and no electorate. I was wrong about that. But we have to live in the world that actually exists, and if Bernie was more electable he'd have won more elections.
I am not certain that 2020 will even BE a free election, and if Trump wins, 2024 certainly won't be.

This is our last shot.
Joe Biden: He'll Have To Do.
My stance is ultimately #BlueNoMatterWho. The only criteria I'm asking of a president this year is respecting the rule of law and constraints on his power.
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