Well, here's a thing: it's ten years to the day since I appeared on #TheChase. I was an 18-year-old, first-year student who had applied on a whim after a night out. This was the second series and I had never seen the show. Now here I was at The London Studios, up first... (1/4)
I was wearing a shapeless beige polo shirt from M&S, but otherwise things had started well. I racked up £10,000 on the cashbuilder and was growing in confidence - until @MarkLabbett was revealed as the Chaser (2/4)
This was not ideal. He might be a lovely bloke off-screen but nobody wants to go up against the Beast. And as anyone who has been on #TheChase will tell you, @MarkLabbett really, really wants to win (3/4)
Nobody would have blamed me for taking the lower offer of £5k. The higher offer of £20,000 would have taken care of my entire student loan, but it felt reckless and greedy. I would stick at £10,000, which seemed achievable? #TheChase (4/ actually, this thread has further to go)
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