Wait why? I’m just curious because I’m American and I don’t think that it’s that big of an issue in which he would get hate. I do get how it could cause problems since it was on a “tomb”, but it wasn’t real. I‘m not defending/encouraging spreading the photo, but just confused++
Because I don’t think Joshua did something which was wrong. All he did was sit. It’s not illegal in the US from my understanding, burning the flag isn’t even illegal (although you prob shouldnt do that). I just feel like ppl are making this a bigger issue than it actually is++
And giving lots of attention to it by telling ppl to delete/psa not to post about it which then could actually cause problems/give him hate. I feel like there is a lot of misinformation going around due to culture difference, but Joshua did not do anything wrong. I even saw++
someone say he did something illegal which it isn’t! I just don’t want us to act like shua did something bad. If someone even gives him hate for it (which is laughable) then we will defend him! I just think ppl are blowing this out of proportion. Anyways this is just my opinion❤️
It wasn’t intentional on his part and he obviously wasn’t intentionally disrespecting dead Americans! I thought that was obvious. He was prob tired and wanted some place to sit. Anyways all I’m saying is that I want to clear up that sitting on a flag is NOT illegal, and that+++
You shouldnt spread the photo because it’s not funny. But you also should not act like shua did something intentionally wrong! But I understand shushus just want to be protective and I totally understand because shua gets hate for the silliest things!
Anyways this was just my take on it, and I know some ppl won’t agree but pls don’t hate me for it, or at least read my entire thread before attacking me >-<
Clarifcation that burning the flag for reasons other than free speech is illegal, I didn’t have enough word count to explain that! Just assumed that ppl wouldn’t burn a flag for fun 😅
Also now that I think about it, isn’t it more weird for the makers of a escape room to put a tombstone with an American flag on it? Just confused as to why they would do that 😂😅
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