Here is a thread with the all comparisons between how @drmoore is speaking about the threats against our religious liberty as opposed to the April 13, 2020 Briefing by @albertmohler

Hard to believe the former is the one. supposed to be standing up for our religious liberty.

“In almost every case, gov. officials have acted cautiously to protect balance of separation of church and state.”

“Over course of the last several weeks, we’ve seen gov. officials - indeed not just a handful - go far over the acceptable line.” @albertmohler

“it is apparent that in a VERY FEW PLACES, there are officials who are not exercising the right amount of care…”

“Over course of the last several weeks, we’ve seen gov. officials - indeed NOT JUST A HANDFUL - go far over the acceptable line.” @albertmohler

“The real story so far is how little this has happened between church and state. We should work to keep it this way” @drmoore

“In America, comes the threat: ‘taking names; taking numbers.’ It’s extremely importan all Christians take note, and in a hurry.” @albertmohler

“Except for a FEW INSTANCES, most governments are not acting inappropriately or using overheated rhetoric against churches.” @drmoore

“indeed, NOT just a handful of government individuals… go far over the acceptable line.” @albertmohler

“A few bad actors have COMMUNICATED POORLY, causing people to believe they will start shutting down or surveilling churches.” @drmoore

“Consider this: In America comes the THREAT: they’re taking names; they’re taking numbers.” @albertmohler

“I HESITATE… it seems to imply the fundamental issue right now is one of hostility between churches & government, when this is not the case.” @drmoore

“they’re taking names, taking numbers. It’s extremely important all Christians take note, & in a hurry.” @albertmohler
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