1/ At the risk of sounding uncharacteristically snarky, there's only one way I know to "boost" your immune system -- which is to activate it by getting sick or hurt.

Kind of like boosting the presence of firemen in your neighborhood by setting your house on fire...
2/ Look, seriously, instead of trying to look for a silver bullet supplement or drug -- recognize there is *very clear* evidence that poor lifestyle and diet can result in an inadequate immune response.
3/ As much as I try to stay away from the diet and exercise wars, I can't really avoid it when someone is asking me about the immune response.

Not only was there a lot of evidence of this before #covid19, there's quite a lot of it unfolding in real time during the pandemic.
4/ People who are much more metabolically unhealthy are having the worst of it right now. Head toward the healthy.

If you were looking for that "like my life depended on it" moment to get more serious about diet and exercise -- here you go.
5/ Yes, food choices will be more limited depending on supply chain and shortages, etc. But FWIW, I still lots and lots of whole foods in every supermarket and whether #carnivore, #vegan, #keto, #mediterranean, etc you're probably better getting fresh over packaged.
6/ But you know what immune system *can* get boosted?

Our #HealthCare system.

---> Consider anything/everything you can do to contribute with #PPE, #ImmuneVolunteering, and provide #ThankYouHealthWorkers sentiments wherever possible.

Those are our life-size immune cells.
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