One of the most important fights of the next decade on the economic front is going to be around a 100% digital currency economy versus the fiat currency economy that still exists but has begun shifting

Most people are too dumb to see that the fight against the fiat currency
system was created by prominent conspiracy theorists (who favor gold and silver) earlier in this century.

With the underground opposition opposing the fiat currency system (gold, silver, bitcoin bugs) and the mainstream move away from cash toward digital and plastic, which
plastic will also disappear in this century for the sake of the environment; it seems like everyone is working in tandem for the same end goal; “The End of Paper Money.”

As I’ve said for so many years, AFTER this goal is accomplished a few things will become common place
1) Higher and higher taxes on everyone (rich, middle class, and poor alike) and near full enforcement of these higher taxes as everything is digital

2) Negative interest rates become the new normal - This experiment over the past several years in Europe and Japan have failed
But in the future, when you can’t pull cash money out of a bank anymore and put it under the mattress, you will have no choice but to pay the banks the negative interest rates (a tax on savings and even short-term deposits)

3) Certain rules and regulations can be put in place
on the individual whereby they won’t be able to buy, sell, or invest unless they have done certain things, many easy “health" related things one could think of as examples

Some who want this ultimate end goal are still smart enough to know that 100% of countries need to
be ready to abide by this new system of the future

Otherwise, capital will flow to places in the World (perhaps America and China first as these large economies may be slower than Europe or Japan to implement such a system, but ultimately poorer economies in Southeast Asia,
Latin America, and Africa) where taxes are lower, negative interest rates don’t exist, and/or the physical cash money economy is still available.

Others who want this believe it can be done ASAP in Europe and Japan, and within a decade in America and China but also believe
taxes can’t go up too much just yet or negative interest rates systematically implemented until those other, poorer countries also transition to the digital money economy.

But 20, 40, 50 years down the line with this set up, you can see taxation go up and up globally
So again, on the economic front, this is going to be one of the most important battles of the next decade.

The Bitcoin and crypto morons who thought they were so revolutionary and taking down central banks, were in fact fighting against the very system that was supposed to
be dismantled. The gold and silver bugs, who will NEVER in Western countries be able to buy or sell in gold and silver legally (at least not at the actual value of an oz of gold) have also helped fight the fiat paper system in other ways.

The funniest part of the whole thing is
that there are almost not true currency revolutionaries out there. The current opposition is anti-fiat money and the mainstream move is also anti-fiat money. GO FIGURE.

The modern world was built on PAPER MONEY, not gold or silver or cryptocurrency. The modern world, overall
was pretty good. The NEW World will be built on DIGITAL MONEY via Blockchain, which has so many meanings behind it smh.

The craziest part is there may not be much of a fight in an increasingly poor Western World. You do want your Universal Basic Income after all, don’t you!?!
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