“vote for this person because they’re not that person” is not a winning electoral strategy. see: the democratic party for the last 30 years https://twitter.com/geniusbastard/status/1249527689746104321
lhonestly yes i believe *voters* should consider harm reduction when the other party is putting up nazis and fascists but the dem party cannot be pushing cardboard cutouts and saying “at least he’s not a klansmen!” and expecting to win?!?
the worst thing about the republican party is that they know what being a republican *is* which is why they’ve consolidated political power over the past 2 decades. what does the democratic party stand for? what are their principles? why should voters *keep* voting for them?
being the big tent party has fucked dems over. you can be a democrat because, well, you’re not a republican that’s for sure! so milquetoast white guys continuously get presidential noms bc the only goal for dems is beating the GOP, not, like, having policies
hate to say it but if the characters of hamilton (*NOT* their real life counterparts) were in the 21st century hamilton would be a republican and aaron burr would be a democrat. change my mind
this thread is just the former poli sci major in me jumping out. me: let’s look at the data
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