Thank God I'm still working, but this is what my calendar looks like this week. Normally, it would be filled with track meets and little league games, along with various meetings and reminders for my husband and I. Who is picking up which kid? What will constitute dinner tonight?
This year, it’s different. We eat all three meals together. Neighborhood bike rides take the place of extracurriculars. God has allowed us opportunities to be even more generous with our time and money.
My kids have created memories in their basement fort, and I’ve lost my interest in keeping a clean house (a clear indicator we are in the end times 😀). However, it's not all silver linings. I’m frustrated with my state government and grieve for my unemployed friends.
I’d rather trade social distancing for social gatherings. I miss Sunday services with my church family. But I’m choosing to bloom where God has planted me. The garden is full of thistles and weeds, but my roots are firmly planted in God’s promises. I will trust in Him. Will you?
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