the same person who wrote that article about "toxic gamer bros" twitch streamers has written an article. they depict trans people who criticized the use of "AMABs" as people who don't care about class struggle, actively participating in racist bias against Angie. they named me.
they also named @lux_banana.
please, please, please, can someone fucking speak up about this. i'm exhausted. i'm so tired. we got massive discourse, and notable people on the left calling out this writer last time when @VaushV was involved.
this is a lot fucking worse. lux and i have not once tried to silence Angie on anything concerning race. we have never fucking done that.
please call this out. please say something.
the criticism of the article about @VaushV and others was that it didn't provide any proof that they were toxic. this is the same stuff. it doesn't provide any context, or any of our tweets. if you spoke up about the @VaushV article, you should speak up about this one.
i'm now going to post context, because they so conveniently left it out. here are my threads about this situation.
and this is the ONLY direct interaction i've had with Angie. this is the only reply that i posted in response to her tweet. this is it.
please don't interact with Angie or the person who wrote the article. please don't give them more reasons to make me look like a piece of shit. it's already bad enough. thanks
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