I want to address the "BernieBros" smear. I supported Sen. Sanders in 2016 & 2020. I easily pivoted to HRC after the primary because I was not yet active on Twitter. This year, I will vote for Joe Biden, & I will encourage my kids to do the same, but I'm angry about it.
You see, I saw what happened on Super Tuesday. I know that strings were pulled behind the scenes to damage the candidate I supported, & prop up one that I don't feel is capable of winning. "Democracy" was subverted. The DNC, with the help of MSNBC & many other...
...so-called "journalists", manipulated the results of the primary, just as they did in a slightly different way in 2016. Anyone who is familiar with the way propaganda works knows what "the big lie" is. Any lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.
The big lie is that progressives are unelectable. It's been repeated so often by so many that it's gone unchallenged. Most off those repeating it are probably unaware that they're repeating a lie, and furthering harmful propaganda. Progressive candidates...
...enjoy grassroots support with policy proposals that are immensely popular. They draw huge crowds DESPITE the big lie told in the media, who doesn't cover their events. And time after time, their campaigns are defeated by weak candidates who have the support of the...
...Democratic leadership. Is it even far fetched to think that #VoteBlueNoMatterWho didn't originate with these moderates who control the Democratic party? So I, & many other Democrats are angry. And yes, we're Democrats. I've been voting for Democrats since I became...
...an adult in 1983. My ideals are not tied to one man. When you call me a "BernieBro" you're belittling me, insulting me, & acting hostile towards me. You & others like you dominate my Twitter feed, & you have for months. As I said before, JB will get my vote, but I'm also...
...fully aware that many like me will not vote the way you want them to. If this election is so important to you, why did you sit by & allow the establishment to choose our candidate? It's YOU who should be ashamed of yourselves. YOU have allowed this to happen. Yet you...
...have the audacity to tell others that if Trump wins it's going to be THEIR fault, when you couldn't recognize propaganda for what it was, or you did but you chose to accept it & fall in line with #VoteBlueNoMatterWho? Well I suggest that you step down off your soapbox...
...and strike a conciliatory tone with the progressives that can be reasoned with, & quit bitching at the ones who are fed up with the party leadership. Because when I see you going after them, it feels like you're coming after me, & you can't win without me.
As for Bernie Sanders, he's a Social Democrat like me, but he isn't the only one. This is no cult of personality. We want what every other country has, & something this country can absolutely afford. We'll vote for candidates who share these goals.
The last time a candidate with these values was elected, term limits had to be enacted.
You can follow @jackston65.
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