If your mental health is struggling during quarantine, you have options. First, take a look around, breathe & realize it’s not just you. You are living in a time of unprecedented fear, stress & depression. There’s no guidebook for the way you are feeling. We do our best.
So, what happens when your best isn’t enough? Because it happens. Every day. At not fault of your own. But still, humans being humans find the best solution isn’t to seek help but to beat themselves up for it. Your isolation depression becomes work depression.
If you struggle with addiction, giving in starts looking better & better. Your view of your body changes. Your self esteem plummets. Relationships suffer. You are alone, miserable & too deep into depression to functionally help yourself. Guess what. That’s okay. That happens.
The bad news is, the way you feel is unbearable right now. The good news is, there are options. I’m acutely aware of how hard it is to dig yourself out to get help when you need it most. Even googling phone numbers for doctors feels a Herculean task.
So, if any of this resonates w/ you - keep reading. I’ve compiled a list of numbers & websites to visit to get tips, actual talk therapy & free/inexpensive services. It’s all here, you don’t have to search. Just click one of these buttons & start taking your life back.
1) If you’re in immediate crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or text Crisis Text Line w/ “TALK” to 741741.

2) http://join-real.com  is mental health platform offering 1 month of digital therapy services for free during the pandemic.
3) http://jointempest.com  is a digital sobriety program to assist during social isolation.

4) Headspace is an app to practice mindfulness & incorporate CBT tools. *FREE FOR HEALTHCARE WORKERS*

5) http://talkspace.com  offers therapy via text/app. $100 off now w/ code 1004U.
6) Contact your employer to utilize the EAP benefits you are entitled to.

7) Calm, Aura and other mindfulness/meditation apps are running specials.

8) http://amwell.com , for app based/telemedicine therapy.

9) http://regain.us  is an online therapy tool for couples.
10) Mood Tools can be used to track your moods & analyze your thoughts using CBT.

11) For additional assistance, contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or email at [email protected].

It’s going to get better. Until it does, you have options 🖤
You can follow @LittleMissLizz.
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