One lesson I have learnt is that your political beliefs and commitment to the struggle do not substitute your character.

Those who believe they are on the right side of a political issue, land, race, economics , sexuality- are often toxic people in character.
One on campus students slashed the tires of a political rival they did not like. They said it was justified because their politics was problematic.

Others would assault student activists from across the political aisle because they deemed them problematic.
I have seen students distributing T shirts on campus and watched them have those materials burnt and destroyed .

Those actions were not the actions of moral correctness. They were assaults and destructions of property that were not justified.
To cut a long story short. I sometimes wonder if people with ugly hearts use good politics to navigate society and hide from the personal development they need to make as Toxic individuals.
Think about a certain VC

1. He lied to the media about the size of protests.
2. He hired Pvt security that beat students up even women were not spared.
3. He intimidated and harassed student leaders, kicked them out of university for years.

In the name of his politics.
I would submit the VC is toxic.

His politics and the ends he sought to achieve did not erase the wrongful conduct he utilized to achieve those ends.
Now let’s go a bit deeper.

When some who identify as leftist, progressive etc come on twitter seeking the destruction of a performer merely because they refused to share a stage.

Right or wrong. What does it say about character. Is that humane, to relegate someone to hunger?
Those who seek to cancel a DJ because the DJ was rude. Have they never been rude, or extra or petty ?

Are they not performing cruelty in the name of progressive politics. Are they not oppressing the entertainer by seeking a career death penalty when alternatives exist.
They say with great power comes great responsibility. That responsibility is to not abuse the power, not to self appropriate the power.

The left is very powerful on twitter! Is that power always used ethically?
What must we do when those who fought oppression accumulate some power and begin to practice cruelty using their politics as a cover ?

I don’t have any answers. I am just asking questions because I too don’t understand.
Have the politically woke abandoned human values like

1. Kindness
2. Love
3. Compassion
4. Honesty
5. Patience
6. Forgiveness
7. Loyalty

Especially when it comes anyone they label as the other, the enemy , the problematic ?

Is that the right approach ?
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