Fine thread on religious fundamentalism as it concerns Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Hinduism does not lend itself to fundamentalism for obvious reasons while the others do. Thank you @Redhotpedia
Islam is able to attack Hinduism, while at the same time portray Muslims as the victims of persecution & intolerance when they are not. These are completely false allegations yet because they operate as in giant worldwide family, the Ummah, they are able to push a false narrative
Islam is a closed group that discriminates against and given opportunity, persecutes other religions and non-believers, often killing them. Islam has a center, a single unifying source, Mecca in Saudi Arabia, where only Muslims are allowed.
Saudi, home of Mecca where all muslims in every country in the world turn to pray is a far right fundamentalist religious theocracy ruled by Islam. They spend trillions spreading fundamentalist Islam and building mosques around the world. The mosques all report back to Riyadh.
Christianity is structured in a similar way, but must less rigidly than Islam. Christianity’s center is Rome. Christians as Islam, believe only they have the answer. Their focus is on proselytizing and they spend trillions every year in efforts to convert non-believers.
Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma), is a pluralistic philosophy driven way of life with no central authority, no organized center. It is a path for seekers who are free to engage in spirituality or understanding of human existence along any of many paths.
For Sanatan Dharma's spiritual side, many gods, many different ways of worship but centrally there is one only God known by many names. If we want to call Hinduism a religion, it's better described as a family of religions all peacefully existing side by side for thousands years.
For the purely philosophical side, Atheists, Jainism, Buddhism & others, have existed side by side peacefully for thousands of years. Santan Dharma, through it’s pluralistic nature is equally accepting of all religions/beliefs seeing them worth of respect. Chart of Sanatan Dharma
Christianity & Islam could easily exist in harmony w/ Hinduism but for thousands of years have refused. Why? Because they're monotheistic religions that refuse to accept other religions as a viable path to God claiming they are the sole authority & only path & others must convert
We are witnessing today, this continued struggle in the world that has plagued our human History. Monothestic religions on their path of righteousness, creating chaos in the world with Islam being the worst offender followed at a distant second by Christianity.
Hindus are a majority in India. Do not mistake majority for having precedence over other religions. Islam is not a victim. It is the aggressor. Muslims are not victims, they are antagonist. In India, Muslims & Christians work together, both attacking Hinduism from their own base.
In simplest terms, monotheistic proselytizing religions have been aggressors on humanity the entirety of their existence. Christianity reformed away from it’s violent past but still proselytizes disrupting communities to push their religion. Islam has never reformed & refuses to.
Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is a non proselytizing pluralistic philosophy based belief system. It is non violent, and seeks only peace and harmony in the world. We seek proper Dharma and Karma as a core principles. Look these words up if you do not understand.
I ask all, think about our history & what's happening now. Stop believing the propaganda war against India, Modi, Hindus & Hinduism. You're witnessing an alliance between global elites & religion to attack the oldest surviving spiritual & philosophical practice known to humanity.
Hindus are the victims. Hindus are the victims. Hindus are the victims. Say it again, Hindus are the victims. Do not let Islam, Christianity & the global elite continue to wage their war against Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism). Speak up. Stand for what is right and just.
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