In some ways 2020 was better for the left than 2016. While they refused to admit it much of Sanders support in 2016 had little to do with Sanders and more people hating Clinton. This time Biden is actually well liked. Sanders vote was his actual support 1/
The fact a very old white guy who just had a heart attack and refused to become a Dem can get 35% of the primary vote based on his policies means a movement with actual strategy could pick up numerous open Congressional/state leg seats. 2/
But it only works if the left realize they didnt have it "stolen." They just don't have the votes yet and design a plan around accepting that instead of deluding themselves into believing they are more popular than they really are due to some handpicked polling 3/
With 35% of the primary you can win lots of split field open seat races and build a solid block in many legislative chambers. Or with 35% you can decide which messaging/aesthetic/policy positions to modify to get to 51%. But believe your more popular than you are doesn't work 4/
The one strategy which seems to have drive most left successes in past 10 years is a bloc and ballot measure strategy. Get left wing ideas to win on a few state/local ballots and that give your bloc in other leg chambers the power to push it thru there 5/
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