I will tell you something which will make you proud n also introduce to core strength of Hindu culture.
πŸ‘‰Gyanprapti n ultimate reunion with Parmeshwara is the main goal of us
πŸ‘‰In Satyayuga it was achieved thro dyan,
In Tretayuga thro tapaysa
In Dwapar thro yajna
For Kaliyuga it is thro daan
πŸ‘‰For poor people tapasya, vrat r told n for rich daan is highly recommended
πŸ‘‰Various form of daan r mentioned in Shastra n its fruits
πŸ‘‰Godaan, bhumi, gold, silver, gud, ghee, vastra, annadaan, til, etc
πŸ‘‰Religious Hindus who have faith in karma principle practice the concept of daan very seriously
πŸ‘‰Annadaan carried out by temples is mainly funded thro donation of bhakts
πŸ‘‰Hindu scripture also stress on daan to veda pathshalas, gaushala, temple building, dharmashala, trees
along road, digging well/lake/bawdis
πŸ‘‰That's the reason before British arrived our roads were surrounded by trees, lakhs of lakes, wells n other things run thro daan
πŸ‘‰Today there is tax rebate, but huge social work in India was done due to the concept of daan
πŸ‘‰Today lockdown is passing smoothly due to the strength of our Hindu culture
πŸ‘‰In each state lakhs of people r stranded, govt has opened schools to accommodate these people
πŸ‘‰But only 15-20% of these people r fed by govt as there energy is diverted to stop spread of corona
πŸ‘‰Its the Hindu society who has voluntarily came forward to fed the stranded
πŸ‘‰Money is pouring in from all corners to those serving food
πŸ‘‰Feeding the needy w/o he asking for it is considered very punyadayi work
πŸ‘‰It should be clearly understood religious Hindus r the backbone of this country. Every leader should ensure they respect religious people as they r the first line of defense in crisis
πŸ‘‰Rationalist believe there is only one life n enjoying material pleasure the goal
πŸ‘‰Rationalist has no urge, responsibility to help needy by donating or any other mean
πŸ‘‰Rationalist will only lecture govt but will not take any lead like dharmik Hindu
πŸ‘‰It can very well be seen dharmic Hindu is biggest asset n rationalist useless lot
πŸ‘‰Till Hindu believe in the concept of Karma n follow its scripture this country will sail thro any crisis
πŸ‘‰The biggest mistake from 1947 is mocking Hindu n its scripture
πŸ‘‰If Hindu scriptures r allowed to taught in schools entire society will know about karma principle n will
self discipline, regulate itself
πŸ‘‰Dharma teaches responsibility towards self/society/dharma/country in an era of rights, rights, rights
πŸ‘‰Hope you enjoyed learning about inbuilt strength of Hindu society.
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