I know this isn’t the case with every American parent, but there is a sort of precedent with Americans kicking their children out, cutting them off, and forcing them to be independent even when they could help out and provide for them. It’s just completely disturbing to me. https://twitter.com/aita_reddit/status/1249682857573916673
It’s weird because even though 18 is considered the legal age, it’s quite obvious that 18 year olds are just children. In fact, I think if you’re under 25 you’re pretty much a still developing child and I think as parents we have an obligation to help you for as long as we can.
All of this seems to be “to teach them a lesson” and it’s pretty gross. Life is hard enough, life will teach your children the difficult lessons...it’s your job as a parent to make that as easy on them as possible. Especially if you can afford it.
I can’t imagine my immigrant, working class family cutting me off or leaving me to fend for myself when I’m at my most vulnerable. As their daughter, I’ve helped them to out and they’ve always been there for me too. That’s family, knowing you can rely on each other.
This is why I get upset when people tell me that I’m spoiling my daughter. Because she’s 8 and she’s a kid and what else am I supposed to do. I want her to have everything she needs and wants. Why shouldn’t I? What is her struggling (when she doesn’t need to) going to teach her?
I’ve struggled immensely in life and my job as a parent is to ensure my child doesn’t have to. My parents who literally survived concentration camps, genocide, war, deep poverty to come to the US with no money, English or connections did their absolute best to ease my life too.
Anyway, take care of your kids. They didn’t ask to be born. It’s your responsibility to ensure their lives are as burden free & safe as possible. That means emotionally, physically, and financially too.
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