let's have a deep conversation.
[a thread]
you know you're hurting but you're just too tired to handle this then you just let it be.
the feeling of emptiness feels the void as you stay in your bedroom for such a long time, knowing you don't have a solution.
even if there are solutions, you're just too tired to follow them. You don't even have a reason to live anymore as you think there's no one cares about you.
you don't want to bother anyone by asking for help. Feeling as if you're influencing them to be like you and to make them understand but they actually don't.
as you try your best to feel better. nonetheless, you're still the same. ffs,even if you try, you're too tired. hoping to throw this tiredness away.
it's okay. they said. you'll be fine. words that kept repeating all over again. and you know,how tired that was. wanting someone to tell you the reality. wanting to be wake up. wanting to realize everything.
You . Have . To . Wake . Up .

[end thread]
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