My Name is Lindsey and I Have Depression But I Want To Get Better: A Thread.
My mood and mental state, like many others, has been affected by the coronavirus quarantine. I don’t leave the house and I rarely get to a point where I look even remotely presentable. The point is that I want to feel pretty and worth it.
Starting today, once a day I’m going to do something that makes me feel worth it. This could be taking the time to read, this couldbe painting my nails, or showering, or fixing my hair, or watching an hour of YouTube videos without chiding myself for it.
Working from home is amazing! But that also means that there is plenty of time for laundry. My challenge for myself is to take the time out to feel like a human, a person worthy of living and owning a space in this world. I’m putting this here to hold myself accountable.
I don’t expect (or even really encourage) anyone to see this thread. But if I don’t shout it into the ether, I’ll never do it. Stick around to watch my chronicle my journey! I’ll be using the hashtag #dailybeauty to note my journey.
You can follow @ByLindseyMartin.
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