Thread on important new info and tools on getting stimulus checks for #SocialSecurity and #SSI beneficiaries. 1/
Q: What do I have to do to get it?

A: If you filed taxes in 2018 or 2019, nothing at all. 3/
Q: What if I'm a #SocialSecurity beneficiary who did NOT file for 2018/2019?

A: If you're an ADULT, you'll get a check automatically, as long as you were getting benefits last year. (This includes Social Security Disability Insurance, because it's part of Social Security!) 4/
Q: OK, but what if I only get SSI? Have they figured out automatic checks for us, yet?

A: Nope, SSA is still working with IRS to get automatic checks to SSI recipients. If you're an SSI-only recipient and you do NOT have kids, hold tight. 7/
Q: What if I get Railroad Retirement Board benefits?

A: See answers for Social Security, above. 9/
Does all this make sense? Did I cover your situation? Any questions? 10/
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