My entire career: when I critiqued James Cone (all good) “Yay Bradley!! We’re so glad you’re here”) when I pointed out historical Presbyterian & Reformed racist history, I literally got a phone call from PCA offices in Atlanta asking me about my mental health. True story.
The call ended with this: “people are wondering if you love the PCA or not.” Apparently, I have failed to publicly expresss my love & so I was being called a “traitor,” “angry,” a rejector “warm & winsome,” heavily slandered, etc. Many have since apologized, many have not.
B/c I was talking about these issues back when no one really was, it’s cool to be an anti-racist Reformed evangelical now, I was, as one large-church PCA pastor said to me, “blackballed.” I was also recently told by another that, since I’m non-tribal, people won’t you to things.
It’s been interesting to watch people get celebrated for the same things I was attacked for 10+ years ago & sadly seeing the same attacks when black & brown people finally see what what we spoke about in 1999 in Miami is actually true. We weren’t lying, race baitors, nor angry.
The expected formula is this phrase: “the gospel is the solution” even though church history proves over & over again that “the gospel” does not make people non-racist. But that’s what people want to hear b/c people are taught that racial sin disappears with gospel-centericity.
I’ve realized over the years that what people really want, in the Reformed world, is for leaders to repeat back to them the history, theology, & aphorisms to which they’ve already pledged allegiance. Saying what people already want to hear makes you a Christian celebrity fast!🥰
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