Urine Drug Testing is a flashpoint among many pain care patients, who resent being forced to submit, pay for procedure that can only DENY care, with no benefits, no medical necessity.

Certain advocates like Dr. Michael Schatman, have alienated patients with his UDT support.
Dr Schatman's online advocacy is frequently attacked for his promotion of UDT.

AND many patients join in with him, to denigrate those fighting this civil-rights intrusion into our care. We're told we are threatening a movement.

Yet, there's an elephant in the room...
UDT has become a criminal enterprise, racketeering on a scale equal to Mafia-style infrastructure.

Crooked execs, politicians, provider orgs, doctors, scheming to rob insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and patients of Hundreds Of Millions of Dollars.

Let's tour how CRIMINAL it is!
Of course, GOP politicians are cheerleaders when it comes to making poor sacrifice civil rights for profits.

Our beloved DNC partisan advocate for UDT falls right in line with crooked Republican capitalist cronies!
I'm still perplexed why the @ACLU has not stepped in on behalf of pain care patients!

If they don't believe them to be constitutional in the workplace, and see them as a waste...

...why be silent as they are used against elderly and disabled? https://www.aclu.org/report/drug-testing-bad-investment
In WORKPLACE, the screen is simple. Either drugs are present, or absent.

For pain care, its NOT that simple.
ONE test cannot do the job, it requires a battery of expensive tests!

Not all providers have knowledge to interpret results.

And as seen above many don't care.
Pain Care UDT must evaluate use of prescribed drugs, and absence of other drugs, including non-opioids.

Metabolite breakdown, elimination, interactions with OTC meds, food...multiple tests all introduce error.

And it's not the LAB evaluating results.

This will NOT be my last words on this subject.

This is the beginning of a series.

And a push for civil-rights litigation to RIP it out of medical care completely.

Those invested in pushing UDT, and refusing to let it go?

You are being warned.
And will be exposed.
What's with all the failed drug tests at Pain Clinics?

An attorney outlines the harm.

How much waste and fraud does our taxpayers bear for the #PissMafia?

How much insurance fraud?
Patients defrauded?

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