In March of 2019, my partner and I started our adoption journey, which we’d been planning and discussing for several years. August of that same year, we matched with an expectant mother and ish got real lol.
We went through a LOT through the process. It was one of the toughest things I’ve ever endured. I cried a lot. I worried a lot. I was terrified. My partner and I decided to keep the details between us to eliminate unnecessary noise due to how stressful it was.
Early in the morning on January 5, 2020, we got the call that our birth mother was in labor. So we had to drop everything and jump on the road to MS, where at 12:34pm, our little Capricorn prince, Aiden Alexander, was born.
We had to stay in MS for 2 additional weeks (adoption legalities and such), and when we got back home to GA, even though Aiden was in our custody, he wasn’t “officially” ours, because we still had one last task ahead of us before the adoption could be finalized.
We only shared pics and info with our closest friends and family about Aiden, because until everything was finalized, we wanted to cut down on the noise, so we could focus on our little family and bonding with Aiden.
We were planning to lift the embargo after our court date, where a judge would announce Aiden is officially ours & do all the not-so-fun paperwork & such. I had my good friend on standby to plan a sip-and-see party to introduce Aiden to the world. But then along came Ms. Rona.
Now, Aiden is nearly 4 months old, & we’re still waiting for this process to be finalized & DONE. But we have no clue when that will happen now. Last night my partner and I discussed our situation & decided to lift the embargo or else he’ll be 5 before anyone knows he exists lol
So I want to share with you some pictures of Aiden aka The Doodie™️, who is the most wonderful kid in the world. In these scary and uncertain times, I hope they can bring you a little of the joy he gives me daily. ♥️
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